Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac

NotePad Small download and program size. Loads fast and runs light. Auto-completion for. This 3-page futuristic Bootstrap template is perfect for businesses. Highlight your services and put a spotlight on your employees. The theme includes several stand-out features such as a dropdown navigation menu, quote blocks, fixed background for cool scrolling action, and cards great for news.

  1. Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac Free
  2. Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac Windows 7
  3. Coffeecup Html Editor Full
  4. Coffeecup Html Editor 16
  5. Coffeecup Html Editor Tutorial

For many web developers, code writers, and designers, the code editor app is an important toolset when coding. Before even learning web development, you need to decide which code editing tool you will use. As a matter of fact, you will find various code editors available online. Therefore we narrowed down your options and pick the best ones that will give an impact on your productivity and efficiency at coding. Check out the list below.

10 Best Code Editor Apps

Atom (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Can open multiple panes or windows
  • Cross-platform editing
  • Supports search function for files

The first code editor on the list is Atom. This is a famous editor for developers for its friendly UI making it great when it comes to usability. Coupled with that, the tool supports cross-platform editing which means you can modify the codes from every platform. Moreover, it allows you to open the tool in multiple panes that help you to compare and write codes conveniently. You may also maximize this feature when using multiple monitors for a larger workspace.

Sublime Text 3(Mac OS, Windows, Linux)

Pricing: Free; $80

Key features:

  • Responsive user-interface
  • Offers support to keyboard shortcuts
  • Highly customizable and extendable

Another text editor for codes you can use for free is Sublime Text. What makes this the best code editor is that it is lightweight and fast compared to similar programs. Not to mention it supports keyboard shortcuts that provide a smooth experience when writing codes. Also, it features themes to personalize the appearance of the editor, color pickers, code linters, and more. You may find the reminder popup annoying but you can remove it by shelling out 80$ for license and enjoy additional useful features.

Notepad++ (Windows)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Supports PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
  • Collapse and hide codes
  • Multiple document interface

If you’re looking for a free code editor alternative, Notepad++ is a great choice. It is a source code and text editor as a Microsoft notepad replacement supporting several languages. Furthermore, it supports syntax highlighting for languages like HTML, PHP, JavaScript, and CSS. Additionally, it has collapse and hide feature making it much easier to navigate the program and focus on a certain line of codes.

Visual Studio Code (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac
  • IntelliSense feature for autocompletion of code
  • Works with Git and SCM providers
  • Customizable themes

As far as the best code editor, Visual Studio Code indeed sets the bar. VS Code is a feature-rich and customizable text editor which can be considered an IDE itself. This means that it gives you the ability to perform the functions of an IDE in the form of a text editor. Also, its IntelliSense facility is something to look forward to because this feature helps you autocomplete codes and information based on the parameters of the function definition, variable types, and names.

Bluefish (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Can handle loads of files with fast interface
  • Features Auto-recovery
  • Write or edit codes in Full-screen

Another free code editor you should consider using is Bluefish. This application is designed for programmers who do multi-tasking working on different software. It helps users to load hundreds of files in a matter of seconds. In fact, it also comes with an auto-recovery feature making sure changes are saved after a system crash or shutdown. Still, it’s best to save your program codes from time to time especially when working with large documents.

NetBeans (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Code analyzers for debugging
  • Multiple programming language support
  • Built-in project management

One of the highlights of NetBeans lies in its code analyzers feature which assists users in locating errors in codes more quickly. This code editor also includes support to multiple programming languages gives you the ability to develop various applications using just one software. With it, you can develop programs with C++, Java, PHP, and a lot more.

CoffeeCup HTML Editor (Windows)

Pricing: Free; $49

Key features:

  • Code validation toolkit
  • Great support for HTML development and design
  • FTP capability

This list is not complete without CoffeeCup HTML Editor. While the tool offers very basic features, it’s the best code editor to start learning HTML, PHP, and CSS. Likewise, it comes with a feature for autocompletion of codes, plus the ability to move files or documents from computer to the program you are working on which also known as FTP.

Brackets (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Offers live preview
  • Inline editor support
  • Extract PSD as CSS

Brackets is specifically developed for web designing. Thus, this is a good place to start when learning about web development for the first time. You can use the tool to quickly preview the changes made to CSS or HTML after the modification. Beyond that, this free code editor can extract CSS codes from PSD files. It does include the information of colors, fonts, measurements of the extracted PSD file.

Vim (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Command-line based
  • For hard-core keyboarders
  • Record and playback macro

When looking for a software that is a command centric, Vim is the best code editor for that matter. Upfront the tool is not user-friendly, but if you get past to its UI and learned how to operate, it can do everything just like the other best text editors. Besides that, it enables you to record and replay Vim commands to review the program.

GNU Emacs (Windows, Linux, Mac OS)

Pricing: Free

Key features:

  • Content-aware editing
  • Available in Unicode for many script types
  • Compatible to major platforms

The last text editor on the list is GNU Emacs. It is a free code editor that offers powerful features for coding. It comes with content-aware editing modes for different file types. Moreover, the tool completely supports Unicode characters allowing it to interpret and understand human language.


Now you have learned the top 10 best free code editors. Generally, you may categorize the selection into two parts. Apps with simple GUI and while the others are command centric like Vim. If you are accustomed to GUI you should choose the apps with friendly UI. But trying out an advanced editor is also a good way to hone your craft so you should consider the latter option.

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HTML Editor

Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac Free

Do you want to create totally stellar websites?
If yes, then consider the HTML Editor your new best friend.
Feel empowered with handy tag references, intuitive tools like code completion, website components that update instantly across all pages, live previews, and dozens of other extraordinary tools and features.

Here are a few things that you will love about the HTML Editor.

Quick find open/close tags

Tag Highlighting

We implemented end tag highlighting because we got so tired of hunting for that ending div tag </div>. This new feature works for the other tags too, so enjoy!

Fast start with a template

Template Downloader

We created bunches of free, 100% responsive templates. The new Template Installer imports these designs into the HTML Editor with just two clicks. Want to learn CSS Grid? Download a template and play with the code. This is how CoffeeCup makes web development fun!

Jump into your project

New Start Screen

The new welcome screen will give your web development a fast take off. Need to make a quick static page? Then click New HTML Page. Do you want to begin with a snazzy responsive Template, start a complex web project, or simply fiddle with some PHP? The web fun all starts right from this new Start Screen.


Get started in seconds

Getting to work on your website is lightning quick thanks to a wide range of start options. Create new HTML or CSS files from scratch, or get a jumpstart on a pro design with an existing theme or ready to use layout.
Already have a site in progress? Open its files from your computer, or open them straight from your web server. With the Open From Web option, you can take any website as a starting point, and it doesn’t have to be yours.


Stay organized

A logical structure keeps things running smoothly and eliminates pesky issues like broken links and images. With that in mind, we designed Website Projects, a comprehensive workflow that gives you complete control over how your website is organized.

Every website has elements like a menu, footer, or header that are reused across pages. With the Components Library you can save these types of elements in one place and then embed them into any page you want. Now instead of updating each instance of the element manually, just edit the library item and it will automatically update everywhere.


Code with confidence

A comprehensive Tag Reference section puts the correct tags right at your fingertips. Code Completion automatically suggests tags as you type them and smartly suggests selectors from your referenced CSS files. A built-in Validation Tool allows you to check code of all types for perfectly valid pages.
Using these tools helps to produce valid code making your pages display consistently, and be more accessible to disabled users and search engines. Every single time.


Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac Windows 7

Visual code selector + Live preview

Utilize the split-screen preview to see your webpage displayed right below your code. Or use the external preview to display your page in another window or a second monitor. Want to experiment with some code? The live preview shows you exactly what your design will look like as you work.

Perfectionists, masters of organization, and SEO aficionados, this app is built for you. Coding your own sites may be one of the most rewarding things you can do. With the HTML Editor you will be up for that task.


Coffeecup Html Editor For Mac

Ready for the semantic web

Adding structured, or semantic, data to label content should be a top priority for any site. Search engines are increasingly relying on this approach to better understand what the content is about, which in turn allows them to improve the overall search experience.
Pages that properly use structured data (especially the vocabulary) are therefore favored above others and are likely to obtain a better search rank. Get started with the HTML Editor and add meaningful data about your website with ease.


Publish anywhere

Coffeecup Html Editor Full

The built-in FTP uploader painlessly publishes the website to the place of your choice. Pick any web host (or use your own server), add the corresponding FTP settings and go live with a single click. Easily switch between addresses; For example, from a work-in-progress to a live production site.
Or go ftp-free by syncing with the CoffeeCup hosting platform. Get a custom domain name or use your own. Connecting is easy, simply use your CoffeeCup credentials (email and password). It's not required that you use it, but you will have our eternal love if you do. ❤

Responsive Templates

Coffeecup Html Editor 16

With our HTML Editor, it is really easy to get a nice website working in a short amount of time.
But it can be even faster if you use one of our templates.

'I've tried many editors but this is by far the best and simplest to use.'
- Leon Edgar Oldbury
'Feature rich, easy to use! By far, the best way to create, manage, edit and publish your on-line work.'
- Dave Smyth
'The Components Library is a huge asset for anybody designing websites.'
- Eric Rohloff

Build sites
in rapid speed

You need a website that looks amazing and actually works. Bottom line, that's what Site Designer helps you do. See a short demonstration below showcasing Site Designer's power.

Site Designer

For people who code, and those who don't.

Coffeecup Html Editor Tutorial

Site Designer's code-free controls allow you to experiment with high-level features without needing to know how the markup is written. Your creativity can run wild! Build utilizing a drag-n-drop workflow in a live browser environment. Then style your content in super speed using clickable controls.